週一 13:30-20:30
週二 16:00-20:30
週三 13:30-20:30
週四 13:30-20:30
週五 13:30-20:30
Kumon Time
週三 上午10:30
每一個孩子都是獨特、與眾不同的個體,公文有別於傳統的補習教學以團班共同進度的方式學習,透過循序漸進的學習引導,讓孩子從小就啟發出對學習的興趣,進而找到自己的學習步調,涵養出專屬自己的學習力 能看著孩子們因著學習三科的教材持續的進步及而變得有笑容、有自信,也帶給我很大的成就感,唯有不停止學習才能持續的成長,我是如此行,當然孩子們也如此仿效。
I became a Kumon Instructor to carry on the aspirations of my mother, I saw her working in her Kumon Center over 35 years, she always encouraged me to follow in her footsteps. Later, I began working as an instructor and attending Instructors conferences, seminars for improve my instruction on a daily basis. Those meetings also were devoted to the pursuit of students’ potential, that’s why I love doing my class and seeing my students progress and getting the satisfaction of the smile on their face when they attempt something new and they can do it. "Every day is a learning day as a Kumon Instructor- you learn from the children, to discover what was “just-right” for each student. and that's part of what makes the job so satisfying because you could keep learning all the way along."